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PERU Fall 2023


If you’re an executive, a professional or someone who is ready to change your life and shift your mindset, then join us for a retreat where you are going to come away with crystal clarity on what it is that you want from life, so you will become unblocked, unstoppable and achieve things you never believed were possible.

Registration + Details Here!

Imagine looking at the entirety of Machu Picchu before your eyes and thinking it is like being in a time machine that transports you to the past. There’s nothing like it.

Imagine this trip changing you, shaking you to your core and making you rethink the way you see the world. Imagine the magical journey deep into yourself and raising to new heights in your life.

Imagine discovering your true mission and purpose, which would not only change your life but also have a direct impact on the lives of people you love, their relationships, wellbeing and finances.

Imagine a transformation leading to living life by your design, on your terms without regrets and wasting precious time.




Imagine standing on the highest point at Machu Picchu, the wind blowing through your hair, clean air filling up your lungs.

Imagine gazing at the magnificent cascading terraces and the backdrop of Huayna Picchu, surrounded by a breathtaking range of cloud forests and mountains, you can hardly believe that, at last, you’re here… and a thought comes to your mind: dreams come true when you have one.

Imagine feeling the strong energy of the ancient Inca civilization and thinking that any photographic preconceptions of Machu Picchu that you had don’t do justice to the sheer majesty of this ancient city, set high up in the cloud-covered peaks.

Jola, give me the details and SIGN ME UP!!


By the end of this retreat, through the use of cutting-edge methods from High Performance™️, Positive Intelligence®️, Mental Fitness, NLP and Time Line Therapy®️ your life will take a new direction. They will shift your mindset and put you in a position of crystal clarity on what it is that you want from life, so you will become unblocked, and unstoppable and achieve things you never believed were possible.

Benefit 1

Through personalized coaching in a group setting, you will be able to release the negative emotions of frustration, guilt, and resentment that you are not where you thought you’d be in life now. You will realize that you are exactly where you need to be!

Benefit 2

Through cutting-edge Positive Intelligence techniques, you will learn how to stop judging yourself so harshly which inevitably will prevent you from feeling upset and embarrassed. You will start taking care of your body and treat it like a temple and your most prized possession.

Benefit 3

Through the pillars of High Performance coaching such as seeking clarity on what you must do, and raising the necessity to actually do it, you will start gaining control over your finances and put yourself on the path to financial freedom. You will finally start feeling at peace.

Benefit 4

Through powerful techniques of mental fitness, you will be able to learn how to increase your happiness, stop judging yourself, others, and circumstances, empathize more, and fall in love with yourself. You will also accept yourself fully just the way you are.

Benefit 5

Through my proven 3D “Instant Purpose” system you will define, design, and begin to deliver a purposeful, joyful, engaged, and regret-free life by your design. You will be able to discover your true purpose and mission in life, so pursuing them will no longer be a challenge.

Jola, tell me the tuition + SIGN ME UP NOW!


During the retreat, we will visit different regions of Peru, from the high elevations of the Andes to the coastal region of Paracas and finally to the urban scenery of Lima.

We will be staying at various hotels, popularly known as "Peruvian standard". They are typically 3-star boutique style accommodations, which are very comfortable, climatic, colorful and cozy.

They offer warm, family like atmosphere with beautiful heartfelt energy as well as spectacular breathtaking views.

Food and Beverages

During your retreat, you will have an amazing opportunity to taste world-famous Peruvian dishes such as Ceviche (Peruvian Sushi), Lomo Saltado (Stir-fried beef), and Aji De Gallina (Creamy Peruvian stew), there are also many delicious vegetarian options such as Tacu Tacu. 

One of the most memorable culinary experiences during your journey will take place in one of the local Andean communities. You will have an opportunity to help one of the families prepare the traditional dish- Pig Roast called Pachamanca.

This dish is baked with the aid of hot stones in the earthen oven known as a huatia and it is generally made of lamb, mutton, alpaca, llama, guanaco, vicuna, pork, beef, chicken, or guinea pig, marinated in herbs and spices.


Even though one of the Seven Wonders of the World - Machu Picchu is probably the most famous attraction in Peru, there are many other absolutely amazing must-see places. To mention just a few:

-Rainbow Mountains

-Lake Titicaca

-Nazca Lines 

-The Sacred Valley

-The Inca Trail

-The Oasis in Ica and the Sand Dunes

-Ballestas Islands

-The Cordillera Blanca

-Historic cities: Lima, Cusco and Arequipa

On this retreat we will visit many of these places.   



There is a total of 12 hours of coaching sessions during the retreat. They are strategically planned around sightseeing, to enhance the learnings and make them more experiential and impactful. Some days we will conduct them in the morning, some days in the afternoon, and some in the evening. Sometimes we will do them in the hotels, sometimes in nature, and sometimes even during long transfers between the attractions. Some days we will cover two or more topics, and some days we will take a break. Below there are a few of the topics that will be covered.

  • ▪️Seek Clarity what is it that you truly want in life and who do you want to become.

  • ▪️Generate Energy and vitality and start feeling amazing in your own skin.

  • ▪️Demonstrate Courage to be able to take bold moves towards the life you deserve and desire.

  • ▪️Increase Productivity, eliminate distractions, become more effective, efficient and stop wasting precious time.

  • ▪️Develop Influence with people in your personal and professional life: your spouse, your children and your team.

  • ▪️Increase your mental resilience by growing your Mental Fitness muscles of self command.

  • ▪️Discover your Purpose in life, define your true life purpose, design your exceptional life and deliver that purpose monetizing it to the world. 

  • ▪️Grow Confidence and Self-Esteem and say good bye to the limiting belief of not-enoughness.

  • ▪️Develop Self-Love, stop the viciously comparing yourself to others and harshly judging yourself.

Jola, give me the details and SIGN ME UP!!


The retreat offers a sightseeing program packed with breathtaking attractions, must-see locations, and must-do activities assuring the most incredible experiences and producing extraordinary memories, and it is divided into three geographical regions:

I. Days 1-6 Region Cusco: Sacred Valley, Maras, Moray, Machu Picchu, Rainbow Mountains and more

II. Days 6-8 Region Ica, Paracas and Nazca

III. Day 9 Region Lima


After you arrive in Lima, you will take a domestic flight to Cusco, where you will begin your acclimatization to high altitudes. It is an absolutely mission-critical process to be able to visit places like Machu Picchu and Rainbow Mountains, which are 17000 feet (5200 meters) above the sea level.

In Cusco you will have a relatively easy city tour which will include: a visit to the Saqsaywaman Inca ruins, the Cathedral and Temple of the Sun called Coricancha, as well as a lovely city center with Plaza de Armas and the colorful district of Sanblas. Cusco is acknowledged as the historic capital of Peru and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1983.

The next stop will be the Sacred Valley of the Incas, where you will stay for a couple of days in one of the climatic hotels with beautiful views of the surrounding mountains. The Sacred Valley of the Incas is a very special part of Cusco region, known for its positive energy and spirit. During our coaching sessions, we will go deep into limiting beliefs, negative emotions etc.


The next couple of days will be filled with a variety of attractions requiring some physical activity. To diversify the days and to see the most beautiful views, we'll offer short trekking routes where you will have the opportunity to discover incredible attractions unknown to conventional tourism.

You will visit: the Moray archeological site (originally considered to be an amphitheater, but later discovered that it was actually a sophisticated agricultural lab), salt mines in Salineras de Maras (active salt mine, the Incas used for mining salt, which still operates today and it is one of the few places in the world that produces pink salt), the Inca ruins in Ollantaytambo, as well as one of the local Andean communities.

During the visit, you will have an opportunity to help one of the local families to prepare the most traditional dish in Peru, called Pachamanca. You will also learn more about local customs and traditions. 

Our coaching session will be conducted in the most spectacular Andean scenery.


Next, you'll get to do a very nice trekking along the Inca trail to the ruins of Huchuy Qosqo. This route is very little known to conventional tourism and it is just being promoted for its very picturesque and breathtaking views of the Andes. Although trekking to the ruins of Huchuy Qosqo is not very difficult, after visiting the ruins there is quite a steep trail to descend so trekking poles may be useful.

If the weather does not allow for this trekking, we will suggest trekking through the Inca ruins in Pisac, which is shorter and more accessible but offers also some spectacular views.

Again weather permitting our coaching sessions will be conducted in the Andean scenery, during the trekking, or in the late afternoon in the hotel.


The next stop will be Machu Picchu one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the most amazing urban creation of the Inca Empire, and the most harmonious balance between civilization and nature, which miraculously was destroyed neither by the earthquakes nor by the Spanish conquistadors.

You will not only admire the famous Inca ruins, but also learn some incredible stories about the brilliant civilization. Despite its relative isolation high in the Andes Mountains, Machu Picchu features agricultural terraces, plazas, residential areas, and temples. Not to mention picturesque trekking trails.

There is no easy and simple way to get there, you will have to take the early morning train to Aguas Clientes. Then by bus, you will travel to the ruins of Machu Picchu where you will have time to explore.

Upon returning to Cusco you will conclude the day with the integrating coaching session in the hotel.


The next day will be very long and very colorful. You'll get to visit the Rainbow Mountains of Palcoyo - originally known as Vinicunca or Mountain of Seven Colors. Rainbow Mountains were named by National Geographic one of the 100 things to see before you die.

They are undeniably a wonder of nature and are made up of 14 different colorful minerals with hues of gold, lavender, red, and turquoise. This activity takes place at a very high altitude, more than half of Mount Everest, where the air is thin, so you must be prepared properly, not only with acclimatization to high altitude but also adequate rest and hydration.

The mountains were accidentally discovered because of climate change, as local temperatures increased the snow melted and the mountains were revealed. Immediately afterward they were added to Peru's must-see sites, they are the second most visited attraction in Cusco and they are considered a holy site.

We will conduct our coaching session in the Andean scenery or in the evening in the hotel in Cusco.


On day six you will have some free time to explore Cusco city on your own, perhaps purchase some souvenirs, take last-minute photos... It is going to be a travel day to the coastal region of Peru.

In the afternoon you'll take a domestic flight to Lima and then transfer by private car to Paracas or to Ica (approximately 150 miles) depending on the availability of the hotels.

Paracas is a small city located on the edge of the Pacific Ocean and it is considered a must on any Peru itinerary. From here you will be able to tour by boat the neighboring gem - Islas Ballestas. 


In the Paracas region, you will get a chance to rest in the Paracas National Reserve, where the desert lands merge with the Ocean. There will be also time to discover dunes in Huacachina (which is the desert oasis, a lagoon surrounded by the highest sand dunes in South America, where sand boarding and cruising around in a sand buggy are incredibly popular).

You will also visit the Ballestas Islands, which are home to many South American species such as penguins, sea lions, and blue-footed boobies. You'll get to relax on the boat tour and you will get to admire different animals occupying these small islands, especially the famous Peruvian penguins (The Humboldt penguins)

 We will conduct our coaching session at the hotel late afternoon.


In Nazca, you will have a choice to either take a flight in a small engine plane over the Nazca Desert and admire the world-famous Nazca Lines or visit other local attractions.

Nazca lines are a series of geoglyphs that are some of the earth's biggest mysteries. Figures of animals, plants, and other objects are etched into the sand. These geoglyphs were made in the middle of the desert by removing rocks and dirt from the ground and thus creating different images. Thanks to the dry climate the lines have been preserved for approx 500-2000 years.

For those who are not fond of flying small planes, there are other attractions which include Chauchilla Cemetery where dozens of mummified bodies are on display out in the open.

Afterward, you will depart to Peru's capital - Lima.


Our last day together will start with the last coaching session during the retreat.

After the session, we will explore the political capital of Peru – Lima. This city is one of the largest metropolitan cities in South America. 

You will visit Lima's historic city center, with Plaza de Armas and San Francisco Church with catacombs. 

The program includes a walk around the Miraflores district as well as a visit to the Larco Museum, with the collection of pre-Columbian art.

We will finish the tour by transferring the group to the airport. In order to complete sightseeing program in Lima, you should plan the departure to your destination of origin no earlier than 7pm. 


◾️Private transport to all attractions indicated in the Itinerary

◾️Airport transfers in Lima and in Cusco

◾️Train ticket from Ollantaytambo to Machu Picchu

(Aguas Calientes) round trip via Peru Rail, Expedition

◾️Two local flights: Lima – Cusco and Cusco - Lima

◾️Bus ticketAquas Calientes town- Machu Picchu ruins- round trip



◾️Entrance to Machu Picchu ruins with an additional mountain Huayna Picchu

or Machu Picchu Mountain.

◾️The ticket "Boleto Turistico"- to 4 attractions in Cusco region, which are in th eitinerary: The archeological site in Moray, Saqsaywaman ruins, ruins in Ollantaytambo, ruins in Chinchero)

◾️Entrance ticket to the Inca Ruins in Huchuy Qosqo

◾️Entrance ticket to the Salt Mine in Salineras Maras.

◾️Entrance ticket to the temple of the Sun- Coricancha in Cusco

◾️Entrance ticket to Rainbow Mountains

◾️Entrance ticket to Paracas National Reserve in Paracas

◾️Group tour to Islas Ballestas in Paracas

◾️Entrance ticket to the Museum of Larco in Lima

◾️Entrance ticket to the Convent of san Francisco in Lima



◾️8x accommodation at the hotels:

•     The accommodation: 3 stars hotels (Peruvian standard), double rooms.

•     There is an extra charge for a single room - $590 (not included in the price)

◾️Nine incredible days together with daily deep dive coaching sessions and lots of juicy conversations.


◾️Total of 12 hours group coaching sessions conducted during the trip

◾️Additionally, 1-hour private coaching session after the retreat delivered via zoom.


◾️The local guides (Spanish & English speaking) will accompany the group

during all tours to the attractions mentioned in the itinerary.



◾️Delicious Breakfast: 8x (no breakfast included the first day)

◾️Mouth watering Lunch: 3x

◾️Beautiful Dinner: 4x





◾️MANDATORY Travel insurance -covering accidents during the trip, chronic diseases, lost luggage, resignation/ trip cancelation, any problems/ difficulties related to COVID 19, as well as the high altitude risks up to 5000 m above sea level.

◾️Expenses of a personal nature: drinks, snacks, phone calls, tips etc.

◾️Meals not specified in the "Included in the price" section

◾️Anything not indicated in the "Included in the price" section



◾️International flights from and to Peru

◾️Transport to attractions not specified in the itinerary


◾️Flight over Nazca Desert/alternative attractions in Nazca

◾️Buggy ride on the dunes


If below statements describe you, this retreat is for you:

▪️ I’m not where I thought I would be in life by now, I haven’t reached the level of freedom and success in my personal and professional life and it makes me feel unfulfilled, stressed out, frustrated, sometimes even resentful, guilty and afraid.

▪️ I feel very guilty for not being more courageous and congruent in what I do.

▪️ I feel terrible for too often putting my work first and my family second, and for wasting precious time.

▪️ Having some negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and mindset blocks since my childhood, especially the scarcity mindset related to money and my finances irritates me and it makes me feel frustrated, stressed out, worrying, guilty, and not good enough.

If this describes you, this retreat is for you:

▪️ The constant comparison game is killing me I feel terrible for not being good enough to be noticed and recognized, I feel exhausted trying so hard and still feel like I’m missing out.


▪️ I’m lacking peace of mind in my life and too often I experience feelings of blame, shame and guilt as well as and I fear that I am running out of time.

▪️ I am scared that I won’t reach true lasting happiness and greatness and that I will regret it at the end of my life.

▪️ I feel fed up with not being my Highest Self and I am terrified that I won’t leave a lasting legacy and won’t be remembered.



Jola, tell me the tuition + SIGN ME UP NOW!



I started my journey with a personal breakthrough. For most of my life, I was very fit and slim and never had to worry about dieting or working out.

Six years ago, I noticed that my metabolism slowed down and I started putting on extra pounds. I not only disliked how I looked and how I uncomfortable I felt in my skin, but also, realized that if don’t stop this madness I can get potentially very sick.

After my dream trip to Dubai and Abu Dhabi, I literally could not tolerate looking at myself in my pictures, I decided “enough is enough”, I changed my eating habits, started working out regularly, and in 5 months I shed 38 pounds, and on my 20th wedding anniversary, I was able to fit in my wedding gown.

My transformation inspired a lot of women, I started passing forward what I learned and became a fitness and wellness coach. My coach introduced me to High Performance and I got hooked. In the process I realized that even though on the outside my life looked picture-perfect, I had a missing piece in my heart, I wanted to live a more purposeful life and create a lasting legacy for my children. I started studying and skilling up.

Fast-forwarding to today, I got certifications in multiple caching modalities (Certified High Performance Coach™️, Positive Intelligence®️ Coach, NLP and TLT®️ Practitioner, Robbins-Madanes trained Strategic Interventions Coach, , Eben Pagan Certified Virtual coach, Bauer Certified Speaker/Closer Practitioner), I started my business “Coaching Journey with Jola” LLC, and I just absolutely love helping people holistically transform their lives.

In the beginning, I lacked confidence, I had no idea how powerful my knowledge, expertise, and life experience were. But after using everything I learned in the past four decades I created powerful and very effective systems and tools to empower women to move from living their lives by default to living and enjoying dream lives by design.

I am an International Bestselling author of two books "One" and "#stayhome", and also “How to create raving fans who monetize”. Currently, I am working on a new book “From IMPOSSIBLE to I’M POSSIBLE”.

In my exclusive online membership “Exceptional Life Academy 2.0” I empower people to holistically up-level their life and embrace their feminine energy.


My mission is to help one million people live their lives to the fullest, reach heightened and sustained levels of clarity, energy, courage, productivity and influence and show them that it is possible to live lives of their dreams, on their terms, without regrets, be fully engaged, joyful, and confident and build an incredible legacy. 

I also have quite a lot of experience in facilitating group travel because for many years I worked as a tour guide licensed in four languages and I visited almost 70 countries around the globe. 

One of my favorite travel quotes:

"Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote,

and I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life"

- Michael Palin

Jola, give me the details and SIGN ME UP!


About Peru



What my former participants

Have to say about my Retreats

Check out these awesome testimonials from my Retreat in Bali, Indonesia.

Jagoda Ratowski

Coaching Retreat "Baligasm" - Bali, Indonesia

Lidia Baranska

Coaching Retreat "Baligasm"- Bali, Indonesia

Ania Cudzich

Coaching Retreat "Baligasm"- Bali, Indonesia



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  • Timor-Leste+670
  • Togo+228
  • Tokelau+690
  • Tonga+676
  • Trinidad and Tobago+1
  • Tunisia (‫تونس‬‎)+216
  • Turkey (Türkiye)+90
  • Turkmenistan+993
  • Turks and Caicos Islands+1
  • Tuvalu+688
  • U.S. Virgin Islands+1
  • Uganda+256
  • Ukraine (Україна)+380
  • United Arab Emirates (‫الإمارات العربية المتحدة‬‎)+971
  • United Kingdom+44
  • United States+1
  • Uruguay+598
  • Uzbekistan (Oʻzbekiston)+998
  • Vanuatu+678
  • Vatican City (Città del Vaticano)+39
  • Venezuela+58
  • Vietnam (Việt Nam)+84
  • Wallis and Futuna (Wallis-et-Futuna)+681
  • Western Sahara (‫الصحراء الغربية‬‎)+212
  • Yemen (‫اليمن‬‎)+967
  • Zambia+260
  • Zimbabwe+263
  • Åland Islands+358

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